Friday, 28 June 2013

Your Legacy

Some days I think that one day I'd like to be remembered, to truly have a legacy. I don't want to be remembered for bad things, I don't want to be infamous. I don't even want to be famous either.

I'd like to be someone who provokes good memories within people. I'd like to be someone who is remembered for what I've achieved, and I think that's what it means to be remembered, although everyone has a different definition.

That being said, not only do I want to be personally remembered and when I say personally, I do not mean after I die but when I'm alive as well, but I would love to be the reason for change. I mean, hey, I'm a Muslim [Palestinian] Arab female which means yes tick and tick I'm part of every minority within every category, pretty much which means I come from marginalised groups so I probably can't change the world as a whole like some white man does (or as the whitewashed history books like to assert); I'd definitely like to participate in little changes which would eventually contribute to a big change such as the freedom of my people or the liberation of my homeland.

Or not even politically actively speaking but maybe even contribute to art? Start a literary revolution, perhaps? I mean, I write a lot and I would definitely like to be remembered for some of my work whether it be as a poet or a journalist.

We all have things we want to achieve, which I believe we can, if we try. Everyone has a purpose in life. I mean, everyone knows the world isn't perfect but it's those little things that make our day. I mean, just even being kind to someone can make them remember you.

It is our legacy that defines us for the future, it's how people remember us. They say "first impressions matter" but last impressions matter too, and what if the first impression was the final impression? 

I'd definitely like to be remembered in the present and future. I'd like to uphold that particular honour. Well some say that our future is written for us (yet it is unknown to us), and we can't change it but we can definitely shape it and that's what matters.