Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Oh, Love!

I may be a little young to be addressing this right now, but getting to the age of 17, I guess it's normal.

So, love. What is love? I don't know but I want to know. Maybe not now, but later, maybe sooner. Maybe when the time is right.

Of course, it must be amazing. I mean, hearing numerous stories, I think it really must be.

Today, our Spanish teacher was telling us of her past romances, and it was cute! Also sad though. A girl I know also just got engaged. Having cousins who are engaged, knowing people in long-term relationships and so on...

So, of course, it'd be amazing to feel it as long as you can get past things like the heartbreak etc. I mean, like true love, not teenage puppy love. That stuff's fake. I mean, c'mon. It doesn't last forever. Most (key word: most) teenage relationships consist of lust, and not love, but we'll save that for another day now.

So yes, even though I don't want to get married for a while now, and by a while, I mean ages, I can't wait to find someone who loves me as much as I love them (apart from my family) etc.

Also to all those people out there who think they're "forever alone", you're not. Your other half may be on the other side of the planet, or even next door. They might be right in front of you even. You'll find someone eventually who loves you for who you are, so don't give up hope.

P.s. This post is a little all over the place, I had it planned out in my head but I forgot most of it, but yeah.

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