Sunday, 17 February 2013


Identity. What is identity?

Identity is an integral part of who you are. It may be or may not be important, depending on the circumstances. Of course, your identity may range from something like your name, to your ethnicity or to even what you look like.

Identity just doesn't notify us of who you are or where you came from, but it makes you who you are. It is part of the reason you are the person you are today.

It's quite funny actually because in year 12 (and if you're in year 12; you should know) we study 'Belonging'. And part of Belonging has a lot to do with identity, and whether it contributes to you belonging or not. Mainly religious / national-ethnic identity.

Anyhow it made me think of how I identify personally. Am I just an Arab Muslim? Palestinian Muslim? Palestinian-Australian Muslim? Just Palestinian? Just an Arab?

Well we've established the facts on the ground that I'm a Palestinian Arab Muslim. Australian however is debatable. I'm not Australian (or white) ethnically. I was born here, so I'm automatically Australian by nationality, however is that how I personally choose to identify?

I don't reject my Palestinian or Arab identity because those are part of who I am, but at the same time I don't forget them to become Australian just to "fit in." I don't reject my Australian identity either because I grew up here, I have certain western ways of living, or thinking because of my surroundings even if I was brought up in a non-western manner. But that's okay because there's always that in between. So therefore I have no problem of identifying as a Palestinian-Australian (Muslim). Not too western, not too eastern.

Even talking about identity politics, no one is allowed to define it for you. To tell you whether your ethnic group actually exists or not, or those that tell you that your background isn't important anymore once you come or are born here. Or even those that tell you to go back to your own country because you are not "Australian enough" for them. Speaking about politics, it's why I choose to identify what I identify as politically. Where I come from, who I am. I choose left-wing because it adheres to my needs, and my beliefs.

Some people remember where they came from, some people forget and rather try to become like the other. Identity is crucial. It always going to be a tag on the back of yourself. Not encouraging stereotypes of course, but you understand where I am heading. I guess at the end of the day, it helps shape who you are, and whatnot.

But the greatest thing about your identity though? No one else gets to define it for you.

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